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Mining Minerals & Metals
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Extract More From Your Operations And Reclaim Your Profitability

You need to identify process efficiency and keep your equipment operational, while also ensuring the safety of your staff. That’s why companies choose STARK. We work with you to understand your specific challenges, and then help you extract more availability, more efficiency, and more productivity from your operations.

Maintain Availability Of Crucial Assets With a Proactive Reliability Strategy

In today’s do-more-with-less environment, maintaining asset availability is difficult with reduced staff, smaller budgets, and an inability to detect faults early, pinpoint root causes, and plan maintenance on your terms. Emerson’s easy-to-operate condition monitoring solution delivers the earliest detection of impending faults so you can make fast, accurate repair decisions before unplanned downtime occurs, thereby optimizing your maintenance labor costs and simplifying operator training.

Get Reliable Asset Data Anywhere, Anytime

Reaching your mine production goals often depends on the ability of your maintenance staff to continuously monitor your fixed and mobile assets, but manual checks are time-consuming and costly, and could put your people in hazardous situations.  Emerson’s automated condition and asset monitoring solutions can provide accurate and reliable asset data from anywhere inside or outside your operation, keeping your people safe from harm and your goals still within reach.