Surface Water Quality
Surface water quality is measured in lakes, rivers, wetlands, and estuaries. Our multi-parameter instrumentation allows for concurrent measurement of key parameters imperative to understanding, protecting, and improving aquatic habitats. Baseline sampling and monitoring of water quality provides a record of changes in quality over time, and our continuous monitors capture a high temporal resolution data to detect events like algae blooms, fish kills, sediment plumes, and floods. This data record can help quantify change associated with best management practices as well as inform decisions.
Dynamic Data
Because surface water interacts with the atmosphere, groundwater, estuaries, wetlands water quality tend to be dynamic over the course of days and months. Diurnal cycles and seasonality affect the water cycle and STARK's instruments can help reliably collect these changes. By focusing on multi-parameter data most instruments can measure 2-10 readings simultaneously. This maximizes your time in the field and empowers you to better understand the relationships between different sensor readings.
Sample or Monitor
STARK's analytical instrumentation is focused on reliable field readings. A variety of handheld instruments will withstand the rigors of harsh conditions and weather extremes. The sampling instruments are intended to quickly sample parameters like Dissolved Oxygen, Turbidity, Temperature, pH, and Salinity. Data is shown on a daylight viewable display and can be logged into internal memory along with GPS location. The water quality sondes from YSI can be used to sample or can be left in the field to collect data for months, where the data can be recovered from the internal memory or transmitted through telemetry back to a website or office.

Critical Data When it Counts
Tracking storm water events can be a challenge because of the inherent unpredictability of storms. Our analytical instrumentation supports the growing trend towards automating stormwater monitoring. Measuring flow, rain, level, or water quality can be accomplished in real time through an automated solution from YSI. This ensures events are captured as they happen, whether that is in the middle of the day or the middle of the night.
Identify Changes
Real-Time Solutions
Monitor in real-time with alerts for storms and floods.
Necessity of Groundwater Resources
Groundwater is one of the world’s most precious resources. It is the primary source of drinking water for approximately ½ of the world’s population and immense amounts of groundwater are utilized for agriculture. Overuse has led to the depletion of our groundwater resources resulting in a drying up of wells, decrease in groundwater quality, saltwater intrusion, land subsidence, and a reduction in surface water levels. Our groundwater resources are not only threatened by excess extraction, they are also threatened by industrial, agricultural, and municipal sources of contamination.
Proven Groundwater Solutions
Parameters such as dissolved oxygen, pH, ORP, conductivity, salinity, total dissolved solids, nitrate, temperature, turbidity and level are often used as indicators of groundwater quality, and high-quality sensors for each of these are available from YSI. Our rugged and reliable multi-parameter instrumentation can be used for spot sampling down well or in a flow cell while our sondes can provide long-term, unattended monitoring with real time data acquisition. Our pressure transducers provide accurate measurement of level and are ideal for aquifer testing.
Confidence in Your Data
STARK's field-worthy instrumentation is a cost-effective solution to obtaining high-quality groundwater measurement data. All of your sampling and monitoring needs can be met with our offering of groundwater instruments and access to our experienced technical support staff ensures confidence in instrument operation. Whether it is a groundwater protection and management study or a groundwater contamination investigation, YSI has what you need.