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Name:GE-604 Continuous Emission Monitoring System CEMS


Measurement point

Measuring range









SO2: 0~2000ppm

NOx: 0~2000ppm

O2: 0~25%

CO: 0~3000ppm

CO2: 0~25%


Auxiliary parameters

T: 0~300℃

P: -10~10kPa

F: 0~40m/s

Smoke: 0~2000mg/m³

Humidity: 0~20m/h

Electric heating-direct extraction probe extracts sample gas, after dusting the heating(120~180℃), heat preservation(>120℃), sample gas is leaded into pretreatment system(primarily to remove particulates, H2O, corrosive gases), then sample gas is sent into analyzer for purposes of analysis. According to the absorption changing of SO2 in infrared region (7.3μm), continuously measuring the concentration of SO2. According to the absorption changing of NO in infrared region (5.3μm), continuously measuring the concentration of NO.

NO2 is reducing into NO to measure. Oxygen causes changes in the magnetic declination converts electrical signals, the signal strength is linear with the concentration.

GE-604 CEMS continuous and automatic monitoring soot S02, NOx, CO2, CO, O2, humidity, air flow, temperature and pressure.


The main components of this system include: laser backscattering dust monitoring system, flue gas analysis system, pitot tube flow measuring systems, primarily testing equipment are all imported equipment, high specification, high reliability. Output unit: mg/m3, ppm (optional). Cabinets are designed and manufactured specifically for the flue gas monitoring the scene, with dust, ventilation and heat sinking.

The main objective of pretreatment system are dedusting, cooling, drainage, sampling. Sampling pumps are Germany imported. Refrigeration compressor with refrigerating capacity, fast cooling, good performance characteristics of effluent.


Electrical control system main objective is to improve the analysis of systems of automation, automatic back blow clean the probe, filter, sample line, automatic drainage, excessive alarm functions. Error: S02, N02 analysis accuracy is less than 1%F.S. GE-607 CEMS error is less than 4%, GE-607 CEMS can provide up to 95% of monitored data availability. GE-607 CEMS can work for at least 180 days without the need for non-routine maintenance requirements.

Continuous Emission Monitoring System CEMS

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