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Name:FRINGE benchtop X-ray diffractometer
QGoniometerθ/θ vertical goniometer, diffraction circle radius 150mm
Angle measuring range of Angle meter-3°— +145°
PrecisionDeviation of < ±0.02° in full spectrum range
Instrument to lightNo need for light
X-Ray Tube Cu, Co, Cr, Fe, Ni, Mo, Ag, W (optional)
X-Ray Tube Power600W
Size580 x 450x 680mm(L×W×H)
Power Supply90-240V 50/60 Hz 0.6KVA
Cooling MethodBuilt-in water circulation cooling system, no external water tank
DetectorProportional counting detector, SDD detector, one-dimensional array detector (optional)
Minimum Step Width0.0001°
Angle to Reproduce0.0005° 
MonochromatorMonochromator, minus Kβ fluorescence X-ray, improves P/B ratio
Linearity of Diffraction Angle< 0.02°(standard sample, full spectrum range)
Angular Positioning Speed1500°/min
Maximum Linear Count Rate≥5×105cps (proportional ratio)

One-button intelligent operation

One-button start, just press the test button to quickly test and analyze, simple operation without training, even non-technical personnel can easily master the method of use.


The equipment is equipped with analysis software to help analyze measurement, view data and transform data, but also can transmit and manage, easily realize the system data docking and sharing.


Benchtop XRD has a professional multi-protective radiation treatment. The X-ray protective door is automatically forbidden to open during sample measurement, which can protect the operator from scattering radiation under any circumstances.

Health diagnosis

Real-time temperature and flow monitoring, multiple safety protection design, effectively improve instrument maintenance methods, reduce instrument maintenance costs, prolong the service life of the instrument.

User management

Support the creation of individual user accounts, allowing users to freely adjust the detection configuration to meet their specific needs, and save the configuration and batch programming.

Multi-channel analysis

Digital multi-channel analysis technology can distinguish diffraction peak and fluorescence interference without monochromator, and improve diffraction intensity.

FRINGE Benchtop X-ray diffractometer is a desktop X-ray diffractometer, which integrates XRD, XRF, computer software and other technologies. It can quickly conduct qualitative and quantitative analysis, crystal structure analysis, material structure analysis and crystallinity determination for powder, block or thin film and other forms of samples. It has the characteristics of high precision, high accuracy, good stability, wide application range, simple operation and intelligence. For materials research, universities and research institutes, building materials, metals, minerals, plastics, pharmaceuticals, semiconductors and many other fields provide high precision analysis.

Pharmaceutical Industry

Rapid identification of counterfeit drugs;

Rapid identification of raw and auxiliary materials;

Rapid and nondestructive fingerprint analysis of pharmaceutical preparations and precursor drugs;

Detect the presence and content of active and inactive ingredients, foreign or substitute ingredients in drugs.

Petroleum Chemical Industry

Mineral identification and quantification of shale cuttings in oil fields, in order to quickly obtain feedback in the field of geosteering and horizontal drilling, to "trace the vein strike" of specific mineral layers;

Identify and quantify corroded materials in pipelines. XRF measurements can also be performed simultaneously to quickly identify the elemental composition of materials.

Ores and Minerals

Rapid analysis of iron-rich ores, such as quartz, hematite, goethite, magnetite;

The calcite (CaCO3) in coal was quantitatively analyzed;

The crystal phase identification and semi-quantitative analysis of potassium carbonate, potassium salt, rock salt, anhydrous potassium magnesium alum and potassium magnesium alum were carried out;

Uantitative analysis of common ores mixed with limestone, such as: A-quartz, asbestos ore, calcite, dolomite;

It is used to reanalyze tailings to determine plant performance or to evaluate past projects.

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